Do we have your email? Please send it to so you can be alerted when we have important announcements!
Please consider supporting our church online. You can make a contribution via PayPal with the button below. You do not need a PayPal account. PayPal accepts all major credit and debit cards. **If applicable, please note your giving envelope number in the "Notes" section on the PayPal page.**
Please note PayPal charges the church a 2.2% processing fee and $.30 per transaction. You can also send a check to the church via our mailing address at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your support!
2024 Per Capita Assessment
$48 per member
Food Access Resources:
Catty Food Bank, 527 Front Street, Catasauqua. 610-264-8366
Coplay Food Pantry, Municipal Building, 98 S. 4th Street, Coplay. 610-262-0928
Northampton Area Food Bank, 1601 Canal Street, Norhampton. 610-262-8030
Thank you to Pastor Chuck Monts and his wife Deb for being our temporary supply pastor. Best wishes to you both in your future endeavors and ministries. You both will be missed!
"Souper Bowl" Sunday is coming! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Deacons "Souper Bowl" Sunday will be on Sunday February 9th. Purchase your soups before or after our worship service at 10am. BUT FIRST!! We need soup donations! ? Plastic soup containers will be available for pick-up at the church soon. Thank you!
Deacons Projects: Warming Station at the Allentown YMCA Donation: Items can be placed in the boxes in Fellowship Hall. WARMING STATION WISH LIST:
Ground coffee any kind, Sugar packets, Creamer packets, Granola bars, Instant oatmeal packets, Ramen noodle packets, Velveeta microwaveable 2.4 cups, Hormel Compleats packs microwaveable trays, Hot Hands hand warmers, Men's cotton briefs size M-XL, Adult heavy cotton tee shirts, Razors, Deodorant, Lip balm, Amazon gift card. COLLECTION ON-GOING THROUGHOUT WINTER.
Sunday School: Sundays 9 - 9:45am. K through 6th grade. Fun atmosphere with stories, crafts and snacks. Parents need not be church members. Please contact church office for more details.
Adult Sunday School: Sundays after the worship service in the chapel. Please join us.
Monday Book Club: ON PAUSE UNTIL 2025. Mondays at 10am at the church. Please join us.
Tuesday Fellowship: We meet twice a month on Tuesdays, once at the church to craft, and once to go to lunch. Email the church office or Sandy M. for more info!
Our choir is looking for more voices! Always looking for new members (especially female sopranos). Anthems will be on 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, starting October 6th. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Please keep feeding your fish: Thank you for your contributions - the Sunday School students have chosen gifts from the Presbyterian gift catalog. Your current fish banks will be collected around Thanksgiving and the money will go toward "One Great Hour of Sharing."
Whitehall Food Bank at St. Stephens Episcopal: REQUESTING HEARTY SOUPS!
Whitehall Coplay Hunger Initiative/Food Pantry: REQUESTING PASTA BOXES! Looking for pasta "shapes", not spaghetti. Our church has commited to donating 100 boxes per month. Thanks!
Want to serve on a church committee? Serving is not just limited to Session members! Any congregation member can serve on any of our committees. Click here for more info
2025 Per Capita: Per Capita for each member is $50 for the year 2025. The amount is set by the Lehigh Presbytery. Thank you for paying your per capita in a timely manner. (Please make the designation on your check or digital transaction.)
Interested in virtual membership at Hokey Pres? Since we began our livestream worship services in 2020, we have worshippers watching all over the U.S. and beyond! We would like to recognize you > Please click here
Copyright 2024
First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua
3005 S. Front Street, Whitehall, PA 18052 | 610-264-9693 |
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. (in-person and online) | Sunday School (Fall-Spring)